By JD Heyes November 19, 2020
It was all a SHAM! John Durham reportedly afraid of blowback from Biden admin so he's dropping "Russiagate" probe, even when multiple people should be indicted for spy op against Trump.
(Natural News) For nearly four years supporters of President Donald Trump have been waiting for justice to be done to those who undermined his 2016 candidacy and every single day of his presidency since.
But in spite of factual reporting from the few remaining trustworthy media outlets (including this one); serious congressional investigations conducted by Republicans (because Democrats are incapable of honesty); corroborating whistleblower complaints and affidavits; inspectors general probes uncovering serious and serial abuses of power, fraud, and outright illegal behavior — none of it has mattered.
When the president appointed William Barr to be attorney general, we were hopeful around here — genuinely hopeful — that he would get to the bottom of the very illegal actions taken to spy on the Trump campaign and harass, intimidate, and jail his allies. We thought that because Barr actually said during his confirmation hearings that he believed the Trump campaign was “spied on” — he used that exact term.
But now, according to The Federalist’s co-founder Sean Davis, the U.S. attorney Barr assigned to conduct a probe into the origins of the Comey-run FBI’s undermining operation against Trump’s campaign, John Durham, has reportedly said despite the fact that he could indict several people, he isn’t going to.
And why? Because he’s afraid that an incoming Biden administration (if it happens) will retaliate against him.