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Interview with Monkey Werx: CIA rendition flights are CONTINUING, confessions extracted, more...

By Mike Adams November 29, 2020

Interview with Monkey Werx: CIA rendition flights are continuing, confessions extracted, traitors turned...

(Natural News) Code name “Monkey Werx” ( is an aerospace industry analyst who monitors real-time flight data of military aircraft in order to identify geopolitical events that are taking place. In the days following the Nov. 3rd election, he noticed a huge spike in military air traffic, including flights of “black ops” charter planes in an around GITMO. His analysis concludes that many of these flights are “rendition flights” where deep state traitors are interrogated for their roles in the cyber warfare election rigging attack that the United States just endured.

This information is consistent with what several other key sources are telling us, and it is further evidence that President Trump is many steps ahead of the Democrat traitors who sloppily tried to rig this election and hand over the United States of America to communist China (via the Biden crime family).

Below, you can watch the entire Brighteon Conversations interview with Monkey Werx. Here are some of the highlights you’ll discover in the interview:

  • Knows the tail numbers of private charter CIA airplanes used to ferry prisoners and newly-arrested persons who are held for interrogation.

  • Confirms that “rendition flights” are continuing right now at a very rapid pace, indicating many potential traitors are being interrogated either during flights or at black sites services by those flights.

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