By Dr. Mark Trozzi May 7, 2021 LifeSite News
How wicked are the culprits of this COVID enterprise, that they violate our rights and destroy our society, while pushing dangerous experimental injections on us, and obstructing safe, affordable, and effective treatments like Ivermectin?
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May 7, 2021 (Dr. – Ivermectin has a great history as a medicine for parasites like worms, and it won a Nobel prize in 2015 for this virtue. Horse enthusiasts are familiar with Ivermectin, because they purchase it in farm supply stores and routinely administer it as an oral paste to their horses. Also, it is a commonly prescribed medicine for humans and is available in virtually all pharmacies. Ivermectin is very safe for humans and horses.
In recent years, beginning with random investigation of possible drugs to combat viruses, Ivermectin demonstrated profound evidence of its antiviral properties against many viruses.
Cell culture experiments show that Ivermectin has robust antiviral action against a pool of viruses including HIV-1, dengue virus (DENV), Zika virus, West Nile virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, Chikungunya virus, Pseudorabies virus, adenovirus, and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Source:
Ivermectin’s antiviral properties appear to be related to a special protein in human cells called Importin. There are two subunits of Importin: alpha and beta. They function to import certain substances into the nucleus of our cells. Many viruses including SARS-CoV2 take advantage of the Importin complex to get some of their key viral proteins into our cells’ nuclei. Ivermectin causes changes in the alpha subunit of Importin so that it does not combine with the beta subunit, and the intact pair can therefore not be used to import the viral proteins into the nucleus.
Peru and Brazil protected citizens with Ivermectin
Earlier in the COVID crisis, certain regions in Brazil and Peru chose to dispense this affordable and safe drug to their populations, with positively impressive outcomes. These results included a 75% reduction in deaths in just 6 weeks; dramatically decreased infection rates; and dramatically decreased mortality rates, such as in the mortality rate in one region, where, amongst COVID patients over 65 years old, the rate fell from approximately 40% to only 4%.
Many other countries followed suit with similar results. This included Haiti, where Ivermectin was readily available, which saw negligible infection rates, despite being a very poor nation.
This article published in March contains some great images, visualizing how Ivermectin reduced the coronavirus in Peru dramatically, and how, when a new president stopped its use, deaths rose back up. Another good article on the impact of Ivermectin on COVID-19 in Peru can be viewed here.
Ivermectin works
Ivermectin reduces mortality from COVID-19 by 83%. Used prophylactically it reduces infection rates by 88%. Source:
When comparing Ivermectin to the experimental injections, those being falsely promoted as “vaccines”, we see the following: Ivermectin is cheap, safe, effective, and suppressed. On the other hand, the experimental injections are expensive, dangerous, disappointing, and wrongly promoted above all reasonable treatments for COVID-19.
Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)
As we now know, very few people get dangerously sick and risk dying of COVID-19. For the most part, only the elderly, frail, and other susceptible people, with underlining health conditions, are at risk of hospitalization. These same people are at increased risk from a multitude of infections, and other problems, which would not affect most people. However, there are indeed some people who can get very sick from COVID and risk dying. These are the people admitted to hospitals and ICU wards. Critical Care Doctors are the doctors who run these ICUs and specialize in this type of critical care medicine. The FLCCC is a group of specialists with the deep training and experience in treating the rare and very sick COVID patient. They have advanced the care of this demographic tremendously and discovered multiple effective treatments, but Ivermectin stands out as the most powerful anti-viral COVID medicine which they have pioneered.
Consider the following quote from the FLCCC’s scientific report:
“Ivermectin inhibits the replication of many viruses including SARS-CoV2; inhibits SARS-CoV2 binding to host tissue; has potent anti-inflammatory properties; diminishes viral load and protects against organ damage; prevents transmission and development of Covid-19 in people exposed to infected patients (prophylaxis); hastens recovery and prevents deterioration in mild to moderate disease; hastens recovery, and decreases both ICU admissions and death in hospitalized patients; reduces mortality in critically ill patients; and dramatically reduces case-fatality rates in regions with wide spread use.”
Here are some further quotes from the FLCCC’s report, which concludes that “Ivermectin may prove to be a global solution to the pandemic”:
“repeated, consistent, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes in multiple, large, randomized and observational controlled trials in both prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19.”
In South America, most notably Brazil and Peru, various mayors and regional health ministers initiated Ivermectin distribution campaigns. The FLCCC’s report states:
“The tight, reproducible, temporally associated decreases in case counts and case fatality rates in each of those regions compared to nearby regions without such campaigns, suggest that ivermectin may prove to be a global solution to the pandemic.”
The report further notes that Ivermectin for prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19, is now part of national treatment guidelines in Belize, Macedonia, and the state of Uttar Pradesh in Northern India.
The FLCCC report describes the dosing and positive impact of Ivermectin for: prophylaxis (avoiding getting sick, when exposed to someone who is sick with COVID); prevention (taking it to prevent getting covid when it was going around); and treatment in cases from mild through severe.
Dose from FLCCC protocols:
A. Prevention:
1. Prevention for high-risk individuals: 0.2 mg per kg 2 doses 48 hours apart, then one dose every two weeks.
2. Post Covid Exposure prevention: 0.2 mg per kg , 2 doses 48 hours apart
B. Treatment:
1. Early outpatient treatment: 0.2 mg per kg once daily for minimum two days, maximum 5 days ; in other words: stop when recovered, at between 2 and 5 days.
2. Hospitalized or in ICU: 0.3 mg per kg daily for five days.
Here are more links to the FLCCC’s work:
Dr. Cory testifies to Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Dec 8, 2020: – Notice how Dr. Cory defends his integrity against hypocrites trying to block this cheap, safe, effective medicine, Ivermectin, to protect their criminal COVID enterprise and massive profits from dangerous, experimental injections, and PCR “tests”!
Link for FLCCC Ivermectin and other therapeutics protocols for prophylaxis and early outpatient treatment:
Link for FLCCC Ivermectin and other therapeutics protocols for hospitalized patients:
Here is a review of 15 clinical trials with Ivermectin showing how exceptionally well it works, and saves lives:
A number of clinical trials with ivermectin have been running since early in the pandemic and it has become clear that ivermectin has activity against SARS-CoV-2 and that it is effective both for prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19. A rigorous meta-analysis of the 15 randomized controlled trials and observational controlled trials that have so far reported their results has been carried out by Lawrie, in the UK.2 The results show that ivermectin treatment reduces deaths by an average 83% (95% CI 65%–92%). It also reduces the risk of deterioration by 53% (95% CI 23%–71%). Prophylactic ivermectin given to health care workers or relatives of infected persons reduces the risk of infection by 88% (95% CI 82%–92%). Source:
In conclusion
For comparison, consider that COVID is very rare and getting rarer, and that typically one has about a 2% chance of catching it; and if they do, they are 80% likely to have mild or no symptoms with a tiny chance, well below 0.3 percent, of dying if they get no treatment.
With Ivermectin available, the 0.3% of dying amongst the 2% of people who catch it becomes 0.036%. Combining the 2% chance of getting it, without ivermectin, we have a 6 in 100,000 chance of dying from COVID. With Ivermectin treatment we have about a 7 in 1,000,000 chance of dying from COVID.
In reality for most of us these risks are even lower, because the infection and death statistics are almost entirely generated by the very old and frail, or people with serious underlining conditions. Sifting through the numbers, we find that at best the Pfizer and Moderna messenger RNA injections, mis-labelled as “vaccines”, reduce one’s absolute risk of catching COVID by 0.7% and 1.1% respectively. Source:
Meanwhile, reports suggest that in Israel, the “vaccine” kills 40 times as many old, and 260 times as many young as the virus would have.
All this makes one wonder: how wicked are the culprits of this COVID enterprise, that they violate our rights and destroy our society, while pushing dangerous experimental injections on us, and obstructing safe, affordable, and effective treatments like Ivermectin?