By Ned Ryun May 7, 2021 American Greatness
A party is what people say it is, so become the dominant force in the party. Push the pendulum in the direction of America First policies.
As CNN, the Washington Post, and the rest of America’s finest propaganda outlets lecture Republicans that Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) must stay in GOP House leadership because she is a “truth-teller” (or whatever miserable lie they’re currently peddling), voters know she’s just a useful idiot of the Left. She brings nothing to the table for Republicans except lies (the Russian bounty hoax), ignorance (the 2020 elections were free and fair and January 6 was an “insurrection”), mediocrity (a miserable fundraiser and communicator), all of which are smothered with a heaping serving of neocon warmongering gravy.
There is absolutely no constituency for someone like Cheney inside the Republican Party, except maybe at a table also seating Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) and Meghan McCain.
The propagandists, of course, are doing propping up Cheney for a reason. How better to distract from the far-Left misery of the Biden Administration than to gleefully highlight the No. 3 Republican in the House going on MSNBC and CNN to bash the caucus she’s supposed to be promoting?
Cheney should never have been reelected to leadership in January, but thanks to the backing of gutless wonder House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), she was reelected. She then proceeded to go on a four-month rampage undercutting her colleagues at every turn.
Cheney’s whiny temper tantrum at the party rejecting her nation building-forever war idiocy is really a microcosm of where the party used to be and where it’s at now: she’s a throwback to the GOP of 2006—so out of step with today’s party she has no business representing one of the strongest Republican districts in the country, much less leading the party.
As this all plays out, with Cheney’s forced departure from leadership perhaps imminent, it’s vital that Republicans not lose sight of what they must do in the immediate future: they must take back at least the House in 2022 to stop the complete and utter madness of the un-American Left, and by that I mean the Democratic Party.
But for Republicans to do that, they must paint a bright and bold picture of the differences between themselves and the Democrats for the voters.
Ask yourself: Would the Republican base be inspired to go to the mat in 2022 for a party personified by Frank Luntz and Liz Cheney, or Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy for that matter? All of those names scream of a decaying, simpering, corporatist party—one that appears more eager to appease the voracious Left than its own base.
Throw in the cabal of corrupt consultants who run much of the party machinery and you end up with the terrible dynamic of desperately needing to win an election for the good of the country, but doing so with a party filled with leadership, consultants, and advisors who despise the base and view them as useful idiots.
It’s not a good dynamic, to put it mildly. For a change, wouldn’t it be nice to have party leadership that actually reflected the base? There’s a reason Donald Trump and his America First agenda had a 95 percent approval rating with the Republican Party. The ideas of prioritizing the American people on trade, immigration, jobs, and other issues are really just common sense—something in short supply among Republican establishment types.
Granted, leadership is incentivized to be stupid by the corporatist donor class, but it’s also that many inside the party hierarchy and machinery lack any real moral compass or hard set absolutes. Most of their values are negotiable when money is on the table.
Now put that soulless, empty moral and ethical behavior up against the religious zealots of the Left. Ask yourself who’s going to win most of the important political fights in the future. Hint: It’s not the soulless careerist types in pursuit of 30 pieces of silver or the new $2 million dollar home they can buy in Florida for cash.
But here’s another problem if we’re being perfectly honest: One of the reasons that we don’t see more America First leadership in the party is that most congressional members are more afraid of their party leadership than they are of their own voters. Why? Because the party leadership controls their committee assignments, their fundraising prospects, and their chances for reelection. It really is a calculation based on fear and self-preservation: the overwhelming majority of elected officials are experts in self-preservation and respond to what they fear the most.
We need congressional members who are more afraid of their constituents than they are of leadership. I mean, we are the ones who elected them to serve, not the party. So if you’re tired of the party abusing you, you need to make a conscious decision that you’re going to do something about it, and with enough people, change can happen. A party is what people say it is, so let’s become the dominant force in the party. Push the pendulum in the direction of America First policies. Engage in primaries. Show up at party conventions. Run for precinct chair.
In the 2022 primaries, find the champions of America First and support them. For example, candidates who will not be beholden to Big Tech donations such as the seven House Republicans who have already taken that pledge. We’re not going to solve this problem in one election cycle. But with hard work and determination, we can see real change in the next three or four cycles if we work diligently to find and support candidates who view the base as more than their pawns but as the very people they want to put first and truly champion.
Imagine if we do the right work, create the right machine, and can finally exorcise warmongering tools like Liz Cheney from the party? It would be a great day for the Republican Party, but even more, it would be a great day for the country.