US Congressman David Schweikert
Representing Arizona’s 6th District.
MYTH: Republicans are not willing to “Spend enough” on COVID-19 relief.
Fact: There is still unused relief funds from the Cares Act.
I have always worked to ensure tax payer dollars are being used appropriately in any spending package Congress passes. My Democratic colleagues have focused negotiations on starting with a “dollar amount” instead of being focused on where relief is needed and passing individual proposals.
There are still unspent resources from the CARES Act. Any funding still available should be utilized before we continue to spend tax payer dollars. Writing a blank check to solve problems is never the silver bullet it is made out to be. Too often politicians in Washington use a “one-size-fits-all” approach for spending bills instead of focusing on individual pieces of bipartisan legislation we can pass and be signed into law.
This week, when I return to Washington, D.C. I will be advocating for Congress to pass individual pieces of legislation to:
Extend pandemic unemployment assistance for Arizonans who are unable to safely return to work;
Re-open the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses to take a second loan to help support their employees and operation;
Provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for our hospitals and schools as our community continues to return to normal; and,
Ensure tax payer dollars are being properly utilized in any future relief.
While COVID-19 relief negotiations are stalled I will be continuing to urge me Democratic colleagues to pass immediate relief for Arizonans. We simply cannot allow Speaker Pelosi to hold the American people hostage over a political game of chicken, this crisis requires us to move beyond partisan politics. We must ensure our communities can continue to recover and stay safe throughout this pandemic.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my weekly e-newsletter, and I hope you have enjoyed the “Myth vs. Facts” we have recently introduced. If our office can ever be helpful for you and your family, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.