By Mike Adams January 7, 2021 Natural News
(Natural News) The false flag raid on the Capitol Building yesterday, led by Antifa and BLM operatives dressed as Trump supporters, set the stage to justify the final betrayal of America as Dems and Republicans voted to install Joe Biden as president, even after irrefutable proof of widespread election rigging and fraud across the swing states.
Now, the left-wing media, Big Tech and lawmakers are pushing the narrative that Trump incited terrorism, that all Trump supporters are violent insurrectionists and that President Biden must invoke the Insurrection Act to “purge” all Trump supporters from the nation. One ABC News director is even calling for a “cleansing” of the nation by eliminating / executing all Trump supporters.
The Left is using the “storming” false flag event to whitewash all evidence of election fraud. Somehow, since people pretending to be MAGA supporters stormed the building, now the massive evidence of Biden’s overwhelming fraud and cheating no longer matters. The Left is once again pretending to occupy the moral high ground, even as they operate as criminals and scumbags.
In today’s Situation Update, we provide more details on the false flag attack and what it means for Trump’s remaining (shrinking) options.
Notably, the only reason Sen. Schumer and others are calling to immediately remove Trump from office under the 25th Amendment is because they know he is about to move against them and carry out what attorney Lin Wood describes as “mass arrests” of traitors.
“Many traitors will be arrested & jailed over the next several days,” Wood posted on Parler in the early morning hours. “President Donald J. Trump will serve 4 more years!!!”
Here are the highlights of what’s covered in today’s Situation Update, which is shorter than usual (just 37 minutes):
Dems and GOP conspire to put DC under martial law, then install Biden as president under the cover of night.
Congresswoman Cori Bush calls for all members of Congress who objected to the Biden fraud to be expelled from Congress. If you question the fraud, you are banished!
Details on the false flag operation and how Antifa / BLM coordinated with Capitol Police to make sure they breached the building, staging the “storming” event for the news cameras.
The only actual “violence” that took place yesterday was the Capitol Police murder / execution of a young female Trump supporter who was unarmed.
How quickly the left-wing media forgets about all the actual violence of the radical Left and their protests, arson, assaults on law enforcement, burning of buildings and police cars, etc.
How Antifa operatives were bussed into place, with police protection, to carry out their false flag attack.
Twitter and Facebook move against Trump, blocking all his posts and tweets. Total censorship of the President of the United States.
VP Mike Pence finally exposed as a full-blown traitor to America, another Benedict Arnold of our time. Even Rand Paul refuse to object to the Biden steal, in the end.
Why Biden will invoke the Insurrection Act and deploy the military against America’s patriots and conservatives.
Trump issues declaration to disperse, tells people to “go home in peace.”
The remaining scenarios: 1) Trump invokes military authority, 2) An armed uprising against tyranny, 3) States may secede from the union or nullify federal laws.
Listen to the full episode here: